Primary Goal
To manage our own internal affairs effectively, efficiently and economically, giving full value for the resources we use and working sensitively and with integrity in our many human relationships.
Secondary Results Areas
- Strategic Management
- Operational Management
- Association Financing
- Control Systems and Processes
- Internal and External Communication
Strategic Initiatives
Prepare the business case for having in place by mid-2007 a General Manager, incorporating foreseeable annual operating costs. Supported by the business case, submit a request for funding to a selected IFI or other sympathetic funding body.
With funding assured: (i) prepare the terms of reference for the General Manager, articulating clearly his/her roles and responsibilities; (ii) prepare a desired skills and experience profile, and (iii) recruit the General Manager.
Decide on the location of an International Office, integrating this decision into the deliberations on and search for the General Manager.
In complement to the Strategic Plan, develop WAVOs Operational Plan, comprising each of a detailed Results Plans, an Action Plan, a Resource Plan, Capital and Operating Budgets, and a Control Plan.
In developing the Operational Plan, specify foreseen revenue sources and targets and prepare a five-year set of Operating Projections.
Review and where appropriate update WAVOs current Constitution and Strategic Management provisions, to determine their adequacy as the base for moving toward WAVOs new Vision.
With fiscal responsibility clearly in mind, decide on the required corporate control systems and processes. Design, develop and implement needed additions, deletions and changes.
Assess existing WAVO internal and external communication practices and processes, seeking to determine where and how these need to be improved, and plan for and implement identified improvements.
Review and if necessary revise the current relationships between valuers; their local, regional and national organisations, and WAVO.