Primary Goal
To provide to Members those Member-desired services that can only be or are better provided by WAVO, and for which appropriate resources are available in terms of people and funding.
Secondary Results Areas
- Professionalisation Support including education, training and development; continuing professional development; standardisation of requirements and Codes of Professional Conduct.
- Best Practices Research, Communication and Advice.
- Research and Development (methods, technologies).
- Revenue Generation: Royalties, Licences, Fees, International Contracts.
- Communications, Information, Networking
- Public Relations, Image Building, Esprit de Corps.
Strategic Initiatives
Complete a needs survey of existing and prospective Members to determine the services they believe WAVO could and should provide, and whether as free to Members or purchased from WAVO at agreed prices.
On the basis of the survey, determine which services should be provided, when, to whom, whether sold or delivered free and, if sold, at what prices.
Develop and implement a Service Delivery Plan, indicating the services to be delivered, to which clients, at what cost, and by whom. Ensure the Plan is results-based, so that action plans, resource plans and budgets are tied directly to committed results and that resource availability matches service commitments.
Determine how each Member is approaching the professionalisation challenge including entry requirements (experience, education), certification standards and procedures, Professional Codes of Conduct, performance standards, performance monitoring and review, disciplinary procedures and practices including de-certification procedures.
Develop and circulate to Members a Report covering professional standards, practices and procedures, with recommendations where useful/appropriate concerning possible moves toward standardisation.
Carry out Best Practices research on valuation methods, technology, practices and procedures.
Communicate the results of Best Practices research to all Members.
Develop a policy for (a) identifying; (b) valuing; (c) pricing, and (d) brokering a Members intellectual property to other Members and to valuation organisations not yet Members. “Intellectual Property” will include courses, workshops, seminars, conferences, “how to” manuals and so on.
Develop and use the capacity to broker the intellectual property of Members.
Design, develop and keep updated a Member Data Bank covering Member strengths, interests, service offerings, service preferences, number and types of member and admission requirements, strategic partnerships and alliances, funding sources and amounts, etc.
Work with Members to assess the revenue-generating possibilities WAVO could stimulate, coordinate, or broker. Include each of membership dues; certification fees; professional dues; sale of valuation services; sale of consulting/counselling services; international contracts and services; workshop, course, and conference fees; royalties, licences; grants and contributions.
Plan how best to strengthen the image of professional valuation, worldwide and in each Member country, and implement the resulting plan.
Work out how best to develop, maintain and strengthen the esprit de corps of the valuation community, and act on this.
Design, develop and offer WAVO-generated courses, workshops, seminars, conferences and congresses. These will be aimed at offering to all current and prospective Members educational/developmental experiences not currently available to them through their own programs and better offered by a central body.
Plan how best to play the role of low-key lobbyist on behalf of all Members, collectively, and individual Members where intercession by WAVO is requested by a Member and judged by WAVO to be feasible and productive.